
I decided that I would try my hand at making a webpage/personal blog-thing to document my learning journey as I start venturing more into information security.

This is also my first time attempting to get a site up and running, so I’ll probably learn a lot from it. Hopefully this doesn’t get too in the way of the usability or organisation of the site for anyone who shows up.

Plans for the site

As of time of writing, I’m mainly creating this page to serve as the home for my TISC 2021 writeup. As I (hopefully) start being more adventurous in getting into things, this site will probably house any other CTF writeups I might decide to format nicely and put on the internet for everyone who stumbles across them to judge. I’m far from experienced, but I hope they’ll at least be informative. :)

What’s with the blog title?

I go by several variations of amarok on various places; it’s already the name of an open source music player, so I’m hesitant to use it as-is in less casual settings.